Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Make A Rap Song That Stands Out

By Grady Johnson

Mixing sounds and samples in a music maker program lets you create the perfect instrumental for your rap lyrics. To learn more about how to make rap music, read on.

Write down your thoughts

You should keep a lyrics journal like all serious rap musicians. This is a notebook where you write all your rap ideas so that they are kept in one place.

Have a separate journal to write down your rap goals. People who write down their goals have more chances of achieving them than those who don't take the time to write down their goals.

Write every day

You should write lyrics in your rap journal on a daily basis. If you are having trouble being consistent then only do it for 21 days in a row. Studies show that if you do something for 21 days, then it becomes a natural habit. Writing rap lyrics in your journal should become an effortless habit.

Study the lyrics of others

In order to write great rap lyrics, you need to study the songs of other rap musicians once in a while. By studying others, you will be able to incorporate their strengths into your songs. Obviously, you can't copy someone completely, but you can get certain influences to help you create unique and powerful styles.

Add a 4 step structure

In every rap song there is a basic 4 step structure. Even the most chaotic rap song has this structure. You need to abide by this structure so that your rap song has the right flow to it. The 4 steps of the structure are, intro, verse, hook, and outro.

Add your own personality

Share a personal experience when you make a rap song to make it unique. The more you write about yourself in an honest and authentic way, the more people will connect with you and end up loving your songs. There is more to popular rap songs than just correct structure. What separates them from the rest is the unique personality of the writer.

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