Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Information On How To Submit Videos To MTV

By Daniel Harris

Getting your music video played on music television is a challenging process and can be troublesome for independent musicians who are not signed to any recording labels. Even though MTV does not play music recordings on their system any longer, MTV2 still does periodically. This channel has a tremendous music video library on their site. Presenting your video for is a pragmatic and feasible approach to gain some exposure. There are several tips on how to submit videos to MTV.

Before you can send your video to music television you need to prepare the submission properly. You can make contact with the music channel though the contact form they have on their website. Another way is to send a direct email to the manager of programming and music.

On the website you will find all the details about contacts you can use. Make sure you state your intention on the subject line. The message should also be clear. Do not forget to enter a link that shows the profile of your band or artist online. The contacts on the website will guide you on how to make the submissions package. You will get access to a submission form and the requirements for the video format.

You have to fill the submission form accordingly. Read all instructions to ensure that you get all details accurately. Your video has to match the format specified in the instructions. You should also include your contact information such as phone numbers, emails and mailing address. If you are not an independent artist then you need to declare your publicity contact.

It is advisable to write a hype sheet and a bio. This should be about a page each. In this space make sure you describe your career in music including the accomplishments and highlights. You can mention awards, major performances and press coverage. You could mention major artists that you have curtain raised for in the past.

On the hype sheet ensure you write something that is catchy about why you should be given consideration. This is an important part of the submission package. You need to market your programming crew that has worked on the video. It is important to stand out.

Present the submission after you are done. You might want to have all content in digital form so that you can submit it through the email address given. You may also want to mail printed versions to MTV offices. It is very important to ensure that all the documents and the video are in correct formats and they are accurate. Proper organization and format will ensure that the staff are able to access your submission with ease.

The next step is to wait for confirmation from the music channel. All you can do at this stage is to wait and see if MTV will play your video. Chances are high you will get a confirmation when the package is received. The studio will later give you a notice of rejection or acceptance. Though not all videos submitted are played, it is worth trying. You get to learn a lot about the workings of the promotion and music industry even if your video is not accepted. You can also try more than once.

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