Thursday, March 24, 2011

Keeping Your Spirits High For A Great Party Experience

By Walter B. Hernandez

The baby is blue in the face from screaming, the dog will not stop hounding you (no pun intended), and you need space to think and all this before your home party. That's right, you've coached the party hostess and there's a whole bunch of people coming. So help me god, is there any tranquilizer to help you get through this situation! 

Whoa! Do not walk into your home party looking over-worked, weary and sick of life. God no, think of a solution. Maybe something like the pre-party tips mentioned below that are sure to help you get there in top and model shape. 

1. Clarify all the directions given to you by your hostess and make sure to double-check them online. This way you will know in advance where exactly you are going. Also, print out a list of reverse directions so that you do not have trouble getting home.

2. A great way to cut down on a lot of the last minute rushing around and stress is to pack and double-check your kit the night before or the morning of your show. This way you will be a lot more relaxed.

3. Do not make the mistake of waiting till the eleventh hour to pack your kit. Do it the before or on the morning of, your show and have it ready and waiting in the car to cut down on the last minute hassle. 

4. Any night when you are not out working be sure to cook at least two meals to make up for nights when you are away. Get your husband's or eldest child's help to smooth over the transition time and avoid a bit of the last-minute stress. If the children need babysitting ask around for at least two babysitters you know you can rely on because you never know when you might need to call on backup. 

5. Never underestimate the power of music! Always keep a CD of your all-time favorite tunes in the car so you cal unwind on the way and arrive with the best possible attitude.

And keep in mind the important fact that these pre-party preparations are mostly about you! So arrive at the party with the best possible attitude so that the guests have fun. This will guarantee the success of your home party.

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