Sunday, March 27, 2011

An Overview of Omaha's Radio Stations

By John Hoosier

Omaha has become distinguished across the country for it's nearby music scene. Saddle Creek records and it's line-up of bands have dispersed the idea around the globe. Citizens of Omaha fancy area music, but also demand to discover the greatest hits from elsewhere in the country. For all that, they shift to the radio stations of Omaha.

Omaha, Nebraska has got a rich radio background. Omaha residents are able to easily look back fondly to 1925 and the Top 40 station known as "The Mighty 20." The heritage radio station gained it's start on July 10th of that year. By making use of the call letters KOIL the station preserves it's standing to modern times as a Disney Radio affiliate. A considerable amount has adjusted in Omaha since 1925, and Omaha's radio stations have not stayed the same. Now playing a varied selection of choices from Country and Christian music outlets to stations better suited for Rock and Hip-Hop fans, Omaha Radio Stations work hard to keep Omaha up to date musically.

When this article was published there were around 25 open radio stations on the FM dial in Omaha. Ranging from 88.1 to 107.7. While Christian focused stations conquer the airwaves in Omaha, Classic Rock comes in a close second with three full-time broadcasts dedicated to the genre. If you're looking for something a little less commercial Omaha supports one public radio station and two college based stations. Omaha also delights in their Country music and boasts two modern country stations and one classic country.

When speaking of disc jockey's Omaha is extremely privileged. For a market of its proportions Omaha highlights some astonishing talent. The morning shows are full of super silly jokesters and talk radio with inspiring debates. Omaha inhabitants are loyal to their DJ's and consistently encourage them from one station to another throughout their occupation.

If you're a full-time Omaha inhabitant or only visiting temporarily, we hope you find something wonderful on Omaha's Radio Stations.

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