Thursday, June 16, 2011

How Freeing Your Mind Can Lead To A More Fulfilling Life

By Valerie Mcleod

Today's world may seem, for some people like it's moving faster than it ever has before. Some people get a rush from trying to experience everything life has to offer, even if some of these things are a bit dangerous. What most people seem to want is simply to lead as stress-free of a life as possible, no matter what the situation. If you're interested in broadening some horizons and perhaps attracting a bit more peace into your life, freeing your mind from ideas that are holding you back, might be a good place to start.

Sounds simple enough, but each person on this earth has a world of their very own: a world that revolves around them and them alone. As much as most people want to do what's best for others in their lives, they are still alone with themselves. Some people feel trapped by this, unable to escape. They try desperately to do everything society tells them they should do in order to happy and free, but it's just not happening.

When children start changing into adults, it seems inevitable that at least a few chains will begin to form in their minds. When you were a child, when you were told you had to wait for an hour, those sixty minutes probably seemed like an eternity. Perhaps this is because a child really has no concept of time. There are no deadlines to meet, no real responsibilities.

One of the reasons time may seem to be flying by is because you're now so very aware of it. You know what the rest of the world expects from you and it can weigh very heavily on not only your mind, but also your soul. Trying to live up to what everyone expects from you, stressing yourself out over getting this or that done, or trying to convince others of how right you are, can make you feel like you're living in a dark and very lonely box.

In order to free oneself from the lonely place one has created, one might first have to let go of their self. Put yourself in someone Else's shoes so to speak. Once you are able to come close to understanding what it's like in even one other person's world, you might find that your own starts to feel a little bigger.

You are a human being, different, but basically the same as every other human being on this planet. There are rules that must be followed in order to coexist with the masses, but this doesn't mean you cannot and should not use your own mind to form your own beliefs. Being open minded means allowing thoughts and opinions of everyone to float freely in your head. This doesn't mean you have to agree with them, it simply means you're capable of entertaining the thoughts and you can do it without being too terribly judgmental.

If you can agree to disagree and not let the ideas, beliefs and/or actions of others affect you too deeply, freeing your mind and your life of unwanted thoughts, feelings or even people can be a relatively simple act. It can take time to rid yourself of the bindings you've spent a lifetime creating, but once you release yourself from one chain, you may find that the others start to fall off virtually on their own.

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