There really is nothing like the tone of a vintage Fender Strat or Telecaster. Electric guitar lovers, whether or not they play or they listen, know that authentic "bark" that these classic guitars make. They also know that there is infrequently a hum, which is the result of their single coil pickups, which are subject to outside interference and electro-magnetic static. Conveniently you need to use copper foil shielding to minimise pickup noise.
Single coil pickups have only one coil winding around their magnets, and this is the cause of the hum that you sometimes hear. As the magnet is exposed, it tends to pick up interference from electric wiring, which enters the signal path. The result's a 50 "60 hertz hum, which can ruin the bark of the guitar. Using guitar kits or do it yourself methods, this can be easily fixed. Whether you use copper foil shielding or you do it on your own, you're going to want a fair quantity of technical dexterity.
Copper foil shielding kits will run from $15 - $25, and can be easily found on the internet. The kits themselves often contain self-adhesive copper foil shielding, solder, single conductor insulated wire and complete instructions. You are going to need a soldering pencil, heat shrinking tubes, tools and a volt/ohm meter. You're also going to need a supply of masking tape, pencils and paper. Again, even with the kit it's not a role for the faint of heart, so proceed carefully.
To install the copper foil shielding, you are first going to be forced to dismantle much of your guitar. That's where the pencil and paper come in. Please, make extensive notes of what you took off and where it goes. One mistake can spoil your beloved guitar. Also, if your single coil pickups are vintage or rare, it could be best to let a pro apply. Don't take the likelihood of ruining something that's essential.
The goal of the copper foil shielding is to ground the pickups and the output wire. Doing so will lose the hum. You are going to be forced to take away the pickup covers and pickups themselves, and rewrap the wires with protecting tape. The pick-guard must also be removed, and the copper foil must be soundly put under it before replacing it. Once finished, the wiring needs to be tested for shorts. Overall, there is quite a bit of technical capability needed, but if you should happen to feel assured, have the right tools and follow the directions, you should have no real problem.
There's nothing like the bark from a vintage Fender, and there isn't anything like a pickup hum to eradicate the sound. Luckily , with copper foil shielding guitar kits and some technical capability, you can lessen the background noise and sound as clear as Jimi.
About the Author:
Inquisitive about making your own guitar? Guitar Kits are a way to start and are quite inexpensive. We have many Guitar Kit Reviews available at our site: www.eguitarkits.comWhy not drop by and check out the easiest way to build your own custom guitar.