Chords are played by pressing particular strings down on the guitar neck with your left hand and strumming across all the strings or plucking individual ones with your right hand. You can make a strum more interesting by plucking the lowest or bass note of the chord with the side of your right thumb before strumming down the rest of the strings with the back of your right hand.
Here are a few standard rules which affect guitar chords you'll want to learn before leaning new tunes. 1) Guitar chords are named according to letters from A to G - An 'm' following letter, means this can be a minor chord 2) A '7' after the letter signifies the chord is dominant 3)When the chord has neither an 'm' or '7' it's showing that it's the major chord
Here's a few techniques to apply to enhance playing sounds:a) Instead of just working with one chord at a time, try 3 at once. You will learn much quicker as this method, for some reason tends to stick in our memories easier. b)When you feel a bit more comfortable with your flow, try switching from chord, and then try the same thing blind folded. You will be amazed just how much this will benefit you.
Finger picking happens when each string is plucked individually rather than played together. Practice picking until you are able to create a seamless, rippling tune. Many people make use of a pic (plectrum) when using the picking method. Electric guitar players like the pic because it provides a larger, more vibrant sound. Pics are available in a dual thumb and finger design, along with the single pic which you hold in between your thumb and index finger.
Check out this exercise to enhance your finger picking. i) Hold the E chord down with your fingers, while your pluck each individual string, beginning with string 6. ii) Next step is a strum of all the strings together. iii)Finally, beginning with string 6, pic each string 4 times, alternating with up and down strokes and using the thumb & finger pics. iv)Keep repeating this and you'll learn to develop your flow in no time.
TIMA - This is the acronym for the fingers used in picking. The baby finger is really only used for steadying and balance.
T = Thumb, I = Index finger, M = Middle finger, A = Ring finger
Try this, put your pinky against the body of the guitar to hold your hand steady and play this sequence, (T)four, (T)5, (M)6. Repeat this over and - over, 456,456,456,456 until you drive yourself nuts. Keep in mind the top string is always the smallest - 1, working through to the bottom string 6. This is method of playing is referred to as a roll.
About the Author:
Alex is a freelance graphic designer with a passion for writing. She has been learning guitar herself for the past several years, and would like to share her tips. Visit How Not to Touch the Wrong Guitar Strings or 10 Tips to Guitar Success to discover more of Alex's guitar tips.