Sunday, November 27, 2011

American Idol Step 6 of 10 To Increase Your Chances Of Getting Your Favorite Vocal Reality Show

By Dennis Duncan

Step 6 in increasing your chances of getting on any vocal reality show should be that you should carefully choose your song or songs.

Here are some ideas when you want to audition for American Idol. If it were me, I would choose a song that you sing well and then choose two additional songs in the same genre and key that are similar and ready those as well. If you don't know what key a song is in, then take it to a trusted music teacher and have them figure it out for you. This can be a school, church, vocal coach, etc. and they will assist you. As I suggested in the earlier steps of the 10 Steps You Should Do to Increase Your Chances of Getting on Your Favorite Vocal Reality Show, by now, you should have found an expert vocal coach, someone that you can trust, and they can help you select the right songs for your voice, vibe and character.

Of the three songs that you opt for make sure you have at least one ballad and one up tempo. You can never be sure what kind of mood you may be in when you step up to the plate for what might be your most important audition of your life!

Why would one need three songs for an audition when you may only have about forty five seconds to display your talent? Well, you may get distracted when auditioning and you may need a a second song choice, depending on the vibe of the auditions. There are many variables with auditioning contestants that you may encounter, and you could be potentially "thrown off your game". Don't just sell yourself on one song that you think you do great. Find three that you do well and put those into your performance/audition: master each of them.

Remember, you can't be a one trick pony. You have to be versatile. You may make it to the top 24 of your favorite vocal reality show but making it to the top 12 or, even the finals, is a different ballgame.

In our next article we will discuss Step 7 Practice Makes Perfect. See you then...

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